Progressive Payment Calculator

Progressive Payment Scheme Calculator

Normal Payment Scheme (NPS), also known as Progressive Payment Scheme, allows you to service your loan via monthly instalments progressively as the property is being built.
Eg; 900,000
Eg; 30
Breakdown of Purchase Price (100%)
Cash Only
Cash or CPF
Maximum Bank Loan (LTV)
Other Mandatory Fees
Cash or CPF
Cash or CPF
Cash or CPF
Grand Total
Monthly Instalments
*Figures are rounded to nearest dollar.
*Timeframe for each stage for stage 1-6 is between 3-9months (approx).
*Instalments progressively increase as the property is being built, as shown above. You do not need to service the full housing loan immediately.
*Monthly instalments can be paid via funds from your CPF's Ordinary Account (OA) or Cash or both.
*Disclaimer: The computation above is indicative and for illustrative purposes. Any person acting upon or in reliance of this information does so entirely at their own risk. No warranty whatsoever is given and no liability is accepted by us behind this calculator for loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of any action or omission made in reliance of any information presented herein at any time.
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